Joins for an unforgettable evening of laughter at The Laugh Therapy Stand-Up Comedy Show, hosted at the vibrant Bamboo Room in Westlake Village, California. Prepare to be entertained by a stellar lineup of comedians:
Erzra Paco – Bringing his unique perspective and hilarious anecdotes.
Sarah Halstead – Straight from L.A., Sarah's sharp wit and comedic timing are not to be missed.
Renee Percy – Fresh off her nationwide tour, Renee's comedy is a perfect blend of humor and insight Darren Carter –"The Party Starter"Our headliner for the night, Darren is sure to leave you in stitches with his energetic performance. Special appearance by Aryan Azizian
Your host for the evening is the charismatic UnPaquito, ensuring non-stop laughter from start to finish.
Details and Tickets: